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Happy 29th Trip Around the Sun to Me


Another year older, another year wiser. Many lessons were learned, some easier than others.  These lessons led to reprioritization and focusing of my energy on tasks and habits that were more in line with my long-term goals and values. Here are three areas that have been my focus for growth this last year. 

Rest and Recovery

Over this last year I have purposely taken time to slow down, step back and take breaks. While grief was one of the initial reasons I stepped back from the hustle, it led me to reevaluate what was truly important by reprioritizing how I spend my energy and time. Rest was key!  I needed to take time for self-care, activities that filled my cup and spend time in nature. This is the first year in a long time where I haven’t burnt out once and I feel more mentally and physically well. 

Longevity of Movement

After spending time with my Grandpa this year, I saw how someone who was once very active went from playing hockey and martial arts to breaking his hip. While in his late 80s, he is doing well for his age, but I am able to see the effect of aging. This has led me to reflect on my current habits and how they impact my longevity. Watching my other family members age with my understanding of how health and longevity has clarified my goal to be able to move my body for as long as possible, and this required me to work on my current strength, flexibility, mobility, endurance and cardiovascular health. 

Building my Community

While I have been striving to run my business independently, I have noticed that I spend an increasing amount of time by myself. Being an introvert, I enjoy my time alone but growing and building a supportive community that supports my goals and holds me accountable has been so important to my growth personally and professionally. 

Here’s to another year and more lessons to learn from.

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